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Campus Universitaire Santé, Bâtiment 7, porte 103.







Data integration in Life and Health Science :

  • From formal modeling of knowledge to data quality awareness during the process of data integration.
  • Patterns of biological entity interactions over time using text mining techniques.
  • Text Mining for Qualitative Annotations of Life and Health Science Data.
  • Data and Text Mining Applied to the Microbiote Biology
  • Enhance Comprehension of Coronavirus research : In-depth retrospective studies and Prospective Reviews
  • Gut Microbiote Metabolic Network data Integration
  • Master’s Supervision of students aiming to work in these thematics

Lecturing (past and present)

  • Biostatistics, R language and advanced R, joint with Audrey Lavenu and Marion Gundelwein.
  • Databases, concepts and techniques for Master Degree’s in Bioinformatics (+ Med)
  • Mathematics Basics for Medicine Cursus.
  • Algorithmics for Bioinformatics Masters
  • Parallel String Matching Algorithms (Practical Training TP) using MPI and PVM (Paris Nord Sorbone)
  • Programming Courses – C++, Python and JAVA
  • Database Design and techniques, practice (TP) at Manchester University.
Research topics and scientific objectives

————Research topics—————————————————-


My interests focused first on data integration in Life and Health Science :

  • from formal modelling of knowledge to data quality awareness during the process of data integration.
  • classifying, querying, and possibly reasoning using formal specifications.


Current researches focus on :

  • Identification and integration of biological entity interaction patterns from PubMed texts, and their highlight using graphs and graph algorithms, all applied to Microbiote Biology (but not only).
  • Gut Microbiote (and Host) : Data integration of  Metabolic Networks.


Education and main positions held

——Professional Experience———————————————-


Université de Rennes1

Associate Professor
Jan 2000 – Present (22 ans 9 mois)
NuMeCan Inserm « Nutrition Métabolisms et Cancer »



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Visiting Researcher
oct 2011 – nov 2011 (2 months)
Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics
Mining Literature applied to Life and Health Sciences



Visiting Faculty

sep 2003 – déc 2004 (1 year + 4 months)
Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics
Data Integration and Data Warehousing for the comprehension of Life and Health Sience Data



University of Manchester

Research Associate
mar 1998 – oct 1999 (1 year + 8 months)
Genome Information Management System – GIMS for YEAST
Postdoctoral Position.


Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

ATER / Assistant Professor
sep 1995 – aug 1997 (2 years)




  • Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord
    PhD, Computer Science · (1993 – 1997), « Design and Specification of Parallel String Matching Algorithms« 


  • Université Montpellier II, Research Master (DEA) in Computer Science · (1991 – 1992) – « Interoperability in multi-database systems: Modeling via petri-nets« 


  • University of Science and Technology (USTHB Alger), Bachelor (BSc), Computer Science · (1986 – 1990)


  • Lycée Frantz Fanon (Alger), Baccalauréat C (Mathématiques)


Current projects



Current researches :

  • Identification and integration of biological entity interaction patterns from PubMed texts, and their highlight using graphs and graph algorithms, all applied to Microbiote Biology (but not only).
  • Gut Microbiote (and Host) : Data integration of  Metabolic Networks.




Zoé Le Roux, Pierre Sinquin, Anaïs Bugnard, Corentin Lucas, Mathilde Thierry, Raphaël Stahl, Eva Lemercier, Maël Lefeuvre, Emilie Vincent, Pierre Beaudier, Boris Michenski, Pierre Le Marre, Bertrand Ameline-de-Cadeville, Mario Albrecht (in Manchester), Emilie Guérin (PhD Inserm U522), Nicolas Cauvet, Gwenaelle Marquet , Blandine Lainé, Anne Arcade, Nicolas Cauvet, Olivier Pareige, Karine Thiéry, Laurent Hennion, Gwenegan Rozé, Nicolas Lebreton, Hoel Saout, Nicolas Schnel ….etc… Mario Albrecht (Max Planck)



Past member of the working groups : ISIBIO, ACI-IMPbio, national network “GDR Bioinformatique Moléculaire CNRS“, Génopole Grand Ouest, Bioinformatics and Transcriptome platforms and ReGIvivis.


In-House Commitees

•Hiring committee of Rennes University

•Postgraduate School VAS ‘Vie Agro Santé’


Program Commitees

•PC poster session, ECCB – 2014 in Strasbourg.

•NETTAB-2012 Supplement

•Co-organisation de EIC-2012 « European Iron Club », in Rennes.

•Co-organisation of MOQA days, joint to JOBIM 2010 – Meta Data and Ontologies for data Quality Annotations.

•DILS 2008, in Paris (Data Integration in the Life Sciences)

•WISE 2007 workshop – Approaches and Architectures for Web Data Integration and Mining in Life Sciences.

•ICIQ 2006 (Int. Conf. On Information Quality), organised yearly by the MIT.

Selected publications

———————————————Selected Publications—————-


Tamanai-Shacoori Z, Le Gall-David S, Moussouni F, Sweidan A, Polard E, Bousarghin L, Jolivet-Gougeon A. SARS-CoV-2 and Prevotella spp.: friend or foe? A systematic literature review. J Med Microbiol. 2022 May;71(5). doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.001520. PMID: 35511246.


De Cadeville, Bertrand-Ameline, Loréal, Olivier and Moussouni-Marzolf, Fouzia. « RetroMine, or how to provide in-depth retrospective studies from Medline in a glance: the hepcidin use-case » Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, vol. 12, no. 3, 2015, pp. 26-43.



Moussouni F, Berti-Equille L, (2013) « Cleaning, Integrating and Warehousing Genomic Data from Biomedical Resources », in Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook, Wiley Series on Bioinformatics, IEEE Computer Society.



Moussouni F, Ameline-de-Cadeville B, Leser U and Loréal O, (2012) « Retrospective Analysis of a Gene by Mining Texts: The Hepcidin gene use-case”, in JOBIM 2012 (Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique et Mathématiques)